Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chapter 4

I passed by our living room and saw what it seems to be the evil presence,aunt lorelei. 
The sight of her makes me sick. so i continued my way upstairs without knowing what her catty business is.i refuse to see her,i refuse to talk to her,i refuse to be a part of her life!

"Charles!" Screamed Aunt Lorelei

"How will you prove that you have a contract with Marie?" Shouts Dad

"I don't have to prove it i have a lawyer."

"It officially states that each of her siblings gets a sharing with the money she saved."

"That is absurd! marie never told me that!"

"Why would she tell you charles? you two are always fighting!"

"How dare you!i refuse to give it to you! Me and my daughter's future is in that bank and i will not allow it!"

"Talking like the big man you are charles,but let's see how much of a man you are."

"You have no mercy lorelei! you already killed my wife and now your taking away what she put in her hardwork and long hours of working!"


"Why are you refusing to admit that you monster! you investment stealing monster!"

"My,My,My didn't mother in law teach you how to treat a lady?"

"But you are not a lady!"

"HOW RUDE OF!! you'll see charles! all that money in the bank will be gone and you will have zero amount left for your adopted daughter!"

I have heard rumors when i was a little. the maids would always gossip about how i was adopted.when i turned 10. my mother told us about it. i couldn't believe it since we kind of look alike but i learned children inherit the face of the one taking care of them or so i read in the internet. my reaction was...i never really cared. i was perfectly healthy,raised in a middle class family,studied in a private school,have food to eat and shelter. i don't curse my real parents though.i just didn't care about whether i was adopted or not all i cared was that i was living.
My brother didn't take it well though.
he sometimes asks me why did our real parents leave us. i tell him at least they didn't abort or dumped you.look! you're well fed and healthy.why do you wanna know about them anyway? they don't care about us.

whenever my mom and my brother had a fight he would use the "oh i'm adopted and you don't love me" drama. In this family my mother and little brother could be actors in a play. while my dad and i watch. we hate drama.Up to this day i bet he still doesn't accept it. 

I do.

I had to get my mind off things i can hear dad and the witch argue from the living room. it makes me wanna have a soundproof room.

I just logged online. since i didn't have anything else to do but wait for them to calm down so that i could sleep peacfeully.

Titanicsimfanatic(Jered): hey Ariella! check this out!
popArtss(Ariel): Woah cool! askljdaksjdkjdks so awesome! 8D
Titanicsimfanatic(Jered): true :D
ilikerefrigirators(Kiefer) @titanicsimfanatic@popArtss:look at the lovely birds in here!
@ilikerefrigirators@titanicsimfanatic:WHO? :D
@popArtss@titanicsimfanatic:Yeah who kiefer? :D
@titanicsimfanatic@popArtss: U GUYS! DUH! U BOTH R SO SWEET!

What the hell are you doing kiefer?
I anxiously wait for jered's to reply. OMG so awkward!

@ilikerefrigirators@popArtss: hehe :">

THAT'S A BLUSHING SMILEY! IT'S A BLUSHING SMILEY! wait! wait! why am i getting red over this. NO! NO! stop it ariella! got a think of a normal way like shrugging it off way to reply.

@titanicsimfanatic@ilikerefrigirators: haha! LOL :))

smooth move!~ so simple. go Ariella!

Titanicsimfanatic: Hey G2G :) see U tomorrow. goodnight.
@titanicsimfanatic@popArtss: AWW A GOODNIGHT!!! :**

popArtss: U ARE SO GAY KIEFER!@ilikerefrigirators
Yeah. Goodnight SEE U TOM :)@titanicsimfanatic

YOU TOO@ilikerefrigirators

@ilikerefrigirators: ;)


The next day.

Free time. 3 hours before literature.

"Hey! Ariella you free?" Jered says

"Yeah." *omg he's here. wait why am i getting goosebumps or butterflies again!

"Can i sit here?"

"Yeah sure! feel free!" I say

Jered sat by my side.

"But,I forgot to tell friend sits there." I teased.

"Oh then i'll just.."

"I'm joking no one sits there"

Both of us laughed.

"So how's it doing?"

"Your talking to me like we haven't talked in ages."

"Well we haven't. we have different schedules remember?"

"Well you still see me and we talk right."

"Yeah." he smiles.

"I miss our old section. i say turning away from him."

"Me too."

*I haven't asked him about fiona. i shoudnt be interfering with other people's business. its better he tells that to me.

"Can i borrow your ipod?"

"yea here."

"Oh wow cool! you have regina shpektor."

"Yeah,of course. her songs are awesome."

"You wouldnt know her if i didnt' recommend you to her last semester."

"Ah of course,.my sim-ndie music recommending master."

"Yes bow down my servant." Jered says proudly

"Oh,but this lady never bows down to a master."

"Unfair! wait hey i like this part of the song."

"It's pretty right."





"Ariella! Ricky is calling you." shouted kiefer *great ricky..great! you ruined my moment.. 

"What?" I say to ricky


Ricky is...i can't describe his gender if he's really male or just being gay. he's really addicted to sim-ndie music and he recommends the best music there is.

"Uh.yeah i have tix."


"I do! Presley gave them."

"For free?"




"Give it to me!"


"UGH,JERED!! Ariella has tickets for Eastwood sim!!" Ricky shouted

"YOU TRAITOR!" Jered says

"Well,who's going to see Promised Edge live? ME IS." I say

"So unfair!!" Ricky slightly pouted.

"YEAH! sell that to us." Jered says

"NO! i seldom go to eastwood sim and will see P/E for the first time! SO N-O~" I say

"I'm so jealous!" Ricky complained

"I'll recommend some awesome sim-ndie songs just sell them to me!" Jered says pleading

"Nooo~" I say

"I'm your master." Jered says

"In recommending songs.not my life." I say

"Your being like that Ariella!" Jered pouts


"KIEFER!!!!!!!!!! she has tickets to P/E!"

"Grab her!!" Kiefer shouts

I ended up being chased by them around the campus and was in sweats when i got back to class.


A message from Jered.
-Ariella your so unfair. :( 
reply: because i'm Awesome like that.
-Wow new annoying text.
reply: of course. nothing but the best to annoy my master!
-HAHA! hey are you home?
reply:yep.are you?
-No not yet.this subway ines are soo long.
reply: Aww. hey have you watched sim idol last night?
-yeah! jesse was awesome!! you're from a previous music school right? you should join!
*mom would've love me to join sim idol.she would have been proud..

"Ariella! stop texting and have dinner!"



*Why is it so quiet?

"Ariella as you know. your aunt lorelei dropped by."

"Yeah. So?"


"She emptied out the savings account of your mother."


"That wasn't the reaction i was expecting & our front door is always shut dear."

"No! I mean!HOW DARE SHE!!!"

"We can't do anything about it dear.tonight,pack your bags. we can't afford to pay for this house. we'll be moving."

"M--MOVING??? b-but...why havent u told me this when she dropped by!!!!"

"Ariella, it is not your concern! now finish your food!"

"And we shouldn't be paying this house. grandmother gave this to you! it's yours and your still paying grandpa?!!"

"That reminds me i'm going to ask for a downpayment from your grandpa."

"Dad! you can't keep paying him!he is your dad!!! this house is yours! why not fight for it?"


"First she kills mom and...and destroys our life! i'm done...i'm not hungry anymore!"

"Ariella Eli Windsor!!"

I ran outside as fast as i could not knowing where to go. 

Mom...if you were here. you would've never let this would've fought. i wanted to fight but i don't have the courage to do it mom..

*cellphone rings
reply: totally forgot about you. sorry about that.
-Its alright. :)
reply: :)
-You okay?
reply: fantastic master :D
-is that so? 


reply:Yes :D what are you worrying about? :)) HAHAHAHA
-oh okay. good. just looking out as a friend. :)
texting: i just somtimes wish you were more than that..|
* WHAT AM I SAYING?! Ariella you really crashburned tonight.
reply: wow! a good master and a good friend :D listen i'm going to call it a night. nyt. :)
-okay,goodnight. :D

I sighed.turned my phone off and hoping tomorrow that this feeling won't last.

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