Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chapter 6

"Well here we are!" Dad says

The house looks so small. It's as if one person only lives there.the structure of the house was dull and lonely.

"Ick..its so.." 

"Nice,right? your aunt lilia found this for me." dad says walking toward the door while holding a box full of tools. 



"Aww,hey cutie. come here."

"Ariella! you know i prohibit pets in this household."

"But dad."



The house is clean.first thing you'll see is a super mini size living room,next to it is the stinky bathroom that looks like it hasn't been clean in ages! next is the kitchen with a small wooded light brown table with two matching chairs guess that's the dining table. it has limited supplies for cooking and the refrigirator looks like a brick.does it even have aircondition in it? next is my room which is really tiny i can barely breathe!

I look around my room and it feels like there's something missing

"Dad,what happened to my other stuff? I'm sure i let them pack my old clothes stuff and paintings." I asked dad

"Oh,i sold them dear."


"Yep,turns out your old paintings cost a lot! thanks to that we payed some of our bills."

"But,dad! Those were valuable paintings of mine!" 

"Don't worry,dear. I'm sure you can make some new ones." 

"DAD! and why does my bedroom wallpaper a 10 year old's?"

"Don't worry about that. It's just a wallpaper."

"Wow. great. i feel..L.C"

"What's L.c stands for in simlish teen language??"

"I'm not a teenager dad,i'm almost 18! L.C stands for Low class." I say

"Honey! i'm almost trying to make ends meet." 

"....Yeah." I murmured 

"Why do you always say yeah? are you a robot or something.whenever i talk you always say yeah! me and your mother did not raise you to become a robot!"

"It's because you always think you're right! and it's always for the best! it sucks dad! we wouldn't be in here if you fought for the house years ago!!!! no parents let's their child pay 800 dollars for rent!" 

"He is my father,have you no heart ariella? he is old and can't make any money.What if i let you pay here? you want that?"

"I understand that's just you have so many brothers and sisters,you can't be the only one who pays for everything for him. just because you're the oldest. is what i would say but instead i say."

"I'd rather stay in an apartment!"

"That's it young lady! you're attitude is really disrespectful ever since last night!"

"Oh so voicing my opinion is disrespectful?"

"Don't take that tone with me!!"

"Screw this!!!!!"

"Ariella!!!! if you walk out that door you're going to pay rent!"

"Fine! then i'll just take my bag and look for an apartment!! it's much better paying rent in a classy apartment than this one!!!"

"As if you can live on your own and find a much more classier apartment than our new home!!"

"It's not a home! and I'm 18 dad. you can't treat me and lock me up as if i'm a child!!! "

"In 2 days i bet you'll be coming home!!! he turns around saying it."


I take my car with an almost empty gas tank to ivy's place.

"You can stay here." Ivy says.

"Thanks,i'll try to look for an apartment tonight." 

I went to ivy's house since she's i'm comfortable staying with her and her mom. plus,their house is really has the atmosphere of everything vintage. even her mom looks like she came out of a 1980's family telly.

"Your're seriously doing that?"


"Okay. but Ariel i tell you living alone is difficult..very very difficult. some apartments won't even let you sign a lease if you're only 18 years old." says ivy while sipping her tea.

"Ugh...this life is unbearable I..."

"Like I said dear. you can stay here for as long as you like!" says mrs.fabray holding a tray of tea,while setting it down on the coffee table.

Mrs.fabray is ivy's mom. she's divorced she never told me why,but ivy says her previous "step-dad" couldn't handle mrs.fabray's "neat" habit. 


"Oh,but are you sure you're ready to handle this...this adult like experience? I mean an apartment? where will you be getting money to pay for it?" she says while getting a cup of her favorite oolong tea. 

"A part time job."

"What about school?" ivy asks.

"Of course,i'll still go!"

"Apartment + personal needs equals to...oh dear. are you sure you can handle this? i really am serious about you staying here." says mrs.fabray while holding a calculator.

"Plus will your dad pay the school tuition fee now that your out of there?" Ivy says

"Of course he will."

"How would you know that?"

"I just do."

My dad knows me he knows i'm really organized especially when it comes to my studies. so i'm really sure that he will still pay for it.even if i ran least i think i've officially ran away for him.

"Well if your sure about that. actually there's a part time opening at the spa..."

"Mom..she majors in art,not a masseuse." 

"But it has a good pay dear. what are you exactly planning to apply?" 

"A bartender." I say happily 


Ivy and mrs.fabray looked at me as if am becoming a rebel.

"No,dear." mrs.fabray breaks the 10 second silence. 

"Yeah. as your friend.i prefer the spa.for your own good. "

"Well. now that's planned. let's help find ariella an apartment. But first,time for you girls to go to bed. "

"Mom! We're not eight ya know."

"I know that! So time for you girls to get in your pajamas."

" bring my clothes."

"That's okay dear,i've already notice that. Mrs.fabray looks down at my feet."

"FAHAHAHAHHAH i can't believe you drove without shoes.that's so hilarious." Ivy says while laughing so hard.

"I was in a hurry okay? I forgot."

"Okay,okay,i'll stop now.but it is just so classic.I didn't notice that you weren't wearing any shoes when you get here!" 


"Are you girls sleeping up there? it's already midnight! I'm coming up stairs!"

"Yeah,mom!" ivy shouts

"Growing girls need to sleep know,i'm turning off the lights."


"Goodnight Ivy and Ariella."

"Night Mom."

"Night mrs.fabray."

She flicks off the light,closed the door and seconds later we don't hear any of her footsteps.

"Psst..ariel turn on the night light near you!" whispers ivy

"You have a nightlight?!!"

"Are we seriously going to have this conversation,woman?"

"Okay,okay.There." I flicked on the nightlight right beside me

 "Are you really sure with that decision?" Ivy asks me seriously

"Yes,i'am.i'm sick of living there anyway.without mom,it's just not home for me you know." I say being serious.

"Yeah." Ivy couldn't say anything when it comes to mom.we're just close friends not best friends.I've just met her this second i know she doesn't know what to say to me. 

"Wanna go use the laptop and stalk people?" Ivy says.

"No." I laugh. "Let's just get to bed and call den tomorrow."

"Yeah.your turn turning the night light off!"



After that we called den.

"Why a bartender?" den laughed. as we were walking down the street

"Yeah,i was wondering the same thing." ivy asks.

"Well,according to one of my friends in the simblogosphere those are one of the highest paid work."

"When you're in sim vegas!" Ivy commented

"Girl,you can sometimes be led in the wrong direction." Den says.

"I was only planning to,besides i have other options other than a bartender." 

"And what are the other options?" they both ask.

"A carpenter,a gas girl,a registrar at a confinement store."

"Those are the worst jobs!" they laughed.

"Okay,i'm not good at picking guys can laugh.but i warn you,when you guys are in my shoes we'll see who has the last laugh."

"We started to search for an apartment around juan street." 

"Is that a coffin?"

"Yes, miss." Answered the creepy tenant dressed like Frankenstein's assistant. 

"I said an apartment Ivy,not the underworld!" I say after we got out of there

"Sorry~ well it was pretty cheap." 

"I can't believe you people." 

"Don't worry we'll find some more apartments." Ivy assured

"Cheap apartments that is." Den added.


"Hmm it's good."


"Wait,on second thought NO."

The next day..

Free time 3 hours before literature.

"How's the apartment hunting going?" Jered asked

"Jered,you are such a stalker!" I say

Jered does his cute laugh "Well,I just heard from Ivy and the others. had a fight with your dad eh?"


"I knew there was something wrong!"

"How'd you always know that?"

"As your master I know everything about you."

"We just met last semester." 

"Ah,as the quote says from my english class "It's not who you've known the longest,It's who came & never left your side." "

I chuckle



I suddenly released my bad vibe.

I couldn't look this fia girl in the eye.i really felt that someone is stealing jered away from me.
I ignored her while she was talking to jered,giving the vibes that i don't want to be introduced to fia. i think jered got that. 

"Sorry about that." he says heading straight to me after talking to fia

"T'was fine."

"Last night."


"You posted a picture of a narwhal."

"Yeah" I laughed "you saw that? i couldn't sleep well at a different house so i played Zims 3 last night." 

"I also play that"



"You are such a copy cat!" 

"Am not!!"

"I like how the narwhal can shoot ice from their horns and freeze things."

"They do that?"

"Yeah!! try it! i always do it! for fun."

"For fun? Are you a sadist? I laugh I will try it once i get home! can't wait!"

"No,not really he says smiling Tell me what you think."

"Okay,i will."

Suddenly i smell something must be the dude who passed by.

"He passed gas at us!" Jered whispers


I take out my perfume and spray it all over 

"Can i borrow it?"

"Okay so you are gay.i'm correct when i was assuming you were gay last sem."

Jered chuckled "NO! i just want to try it."

I smiled here. "Never tried a girl's perfume before?" 

"I did!" he says flashing the cutest smile.

"See tsk..tskk gay!" i teased.

"No i'm not!" 

"Hey lovey dovey birds."

I saw kiefer.i try to control myself and turn red like a tomato infront of jered.


"I'm hungry guys let's eat."

"You guys go ahead. my lit prof will be here a little early."


"He's gonna go somewhere so he's just gonna take some attendance" 

"Then leave?"


"So your early to go today?"


"Lucky you."

"Yeah. more time to find some apartments."

"Still haven't found one?"

"How'd you know?!"

"Everybody in our previous block knows jered posted it on simbook last night." 



"That is so not cool jered!!!!!" 

"Just wanna let everyone know!" 

"Your gonna find one Ariel! just you wait!"

"Then help me~"

"I'll help you."

Kiefer makes faces behind jered telling me to say yes

"Y--you will? i was kidding!" 

"Oh too bad."

Kiefer whispers "SAY YES!"

"I mean i was kidding but i accept your offer because I is gonna be busy today." 


"I'll call you later."

"Yeah.see you later."

"They walk away."

Kiefer turns around giving me a thumbs up

I turn around i think i'm blushing.

4pm meeting subway.


"Yo! woah so this is what you go through everyday! what a long line."

Jered laughs "Yeah well i'm used to it. anyway shall we?" 


We started our quest to find apartments on downtown Quezon avenue street.





"Hey neighbor!"

"We'll think about it."

"Wow you have a hooker as a neighbor."

"Shut up,jered." I nudged him

"I'm tired! why don't you say we go to the beach and have some drinks? we haven't had any rest yet."


At High Rise Beach,Quezon Avenue

"These Drinks are refreshing!" 

"I know right."

"Have you been feeling well lately?"

"Jered,you know you asked that ever since the start of my second semester." 

"Why? can't a friend be worried?" 

I laugh

 "I'm fine! okay?" 

"Ariel,you can't always put up a brave & happy face all the time." 

The conversation has gotten serious.

I told jered about my mom last semester.he listened and i would sneak some facts from mom in our conversations after i told him that. he never minds,he just kept listening and was very interested.

"Yeah,Well nobody would care anyway...I take a sip from my cup."

"I care,you know. We all do!" 

"Thanks,Jered." I smile 

"So,what do you say we continue our journey for searching you're apartment?" 



Ring! Ring!

"Wait,a second." 


"ARIELLA! you traitor i thought we were going together but you ditched me for jered! what happened to girlfriends forever eh?" 


"It's alright,well anyway have you ask him out?"

"What? why would i do that?"

"Ariella,Girl! Please be honest with me just for once! Sister to like jered,right?" 

"I...don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?! that is the lamest answer ever! you like him! don't tell me no! I can see the way act when you're around him & denver agrees with me!" 

"I don't really have that kind of feelings with him."


"Okay,i don't know.maybe,just a little."

"A little?"

"Okay! A lot! Maybe."


"OKAY A LOT! happy?"

"Satisfied! Ask him out okay? If you don't do this you'll regret it when you reminisce your freshmen years!!"

"Okay..I'll try and ask him out."

"Just do it!" 


Asking jered out? this might be hard for me. 


BTW forgot to tell's ok if you can't come to the concert latr.



"Y-yes? jered?"

"We should go." 


I feel so nervous right now.Should i ask him now? or later? or maybe while we're searching.

"This looks like a nice place."


"Something the matter?"

"N-no. Let's check it out." 

"Is that a snake?" 

"A pirate cabin?" 

"Too Expensive."

"Too Old."

"Too Tall." 

"Too Short." 

"Hey ariella."


"What about this one?" 

"Oh cool!"  

"Let's go check it out."

"As you see here's the room. perfect for one person only."

"It's perfect! I love the interior!" 

"Yeah,you love vintage atmosphere don't you?" 

"How'd you know that?"

"As i told you before i'm your master."

 "Uh-huh of course you are."

"How much is this?" 

"It's only 500 simoleons per month." Says the gu--girl.i don't know this person's gender who has a lot of make up on! 

"That cheap?" we both say

"But the interior looks exquisite!" I say 

"Well,no one's rented this for a while so i'm giving it to you for that price." 

"Cool.will i have a room mate?" 

"Didn't you see the sign lady? No room-mates! It's small and a 2 story building so i don't allow any room-mates."

"Cool.All to myself. I'll take it."

"If you can just sign here.and here.and here.and here.and here.and here.and here.and here.and over there & here!"

"When can she move in uh,si--ma'..." Says jered who looks quite confused as well about this person's gender.

"You can call me opera."

"Opera." we both say

"What an interesting name."

"Nickname if you say,lad." 

"I wanted to ask him or her why opera but i better mind my own business."

"When can she move in?"

"Tomorrow would be good."

"Tomorrow? that early? for real?"


"Great." i say

After the endless signing of papers i finally managed to get an apartment. 

"Congratulations,Ariel! you finally found one!"

"I know right!! if it wasn't for you,i wouldn't have to be able to find one." i smiled jumping up and down.

"Look who just came out of a closet." Jered says.


"It's getting really dark out." 


"Look." He points to the sky.


This moment with him.It feels...nice.I should ask him now.It's all or nothing. 



"Do you wanna hang out,I mean if you're not doing anything later?" I asked him bravely 

",uh ariella i have to go someplace soon."

"Oh well see you at school then."

"Yeah see ya." He smiles warmly at me & rubs my head.

I see his figure slowly fading.I felt rejected.

To be continued...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Chapter 5

My pillow full of tears,just like after mom died. 

"Not again" I whisper.



Hey,Ariel! Let's go to that new patisserie down seasouth street.i hear it tastes good! Den's gonna come too! 

I should go out.It's a beatuiful day & since i don't want to eat breakfast & stay with dad here.

Sign: Seasouth Street.

"ARIELLA!!!!!!!!" Ivy waves at me.

"Hey." I say

"It's a miracle you didn't have breakfast today ariel." Says Ivy

"Yeah,you never go out without eating." Says den

"Something happened last night." I say with a serious tone

"What?" they both asked

"Dad says we're moving." I answered

"That's good change of pace." Ivy sips her tea.

"No,it's not!" I say with a serious tone

They both go quiet and stared at me.

"I don't wanna move. that house is our memories " I say


"Did you tell your dad you didn't wanna move?" Ivy asked

"I did! " I answered

"And?" Den waits for more of my answers

"He got furious." I say

"Ariel.."den says.


"Hello? yeah? oh good! guys let's go!" Ivy says being all energetic as usual

"Where?" I ask

"Yoga!" They both say

"That's why i'm in my gym clothes!" Ivy says

"No thanks,i'll pass. i'm staying here." I say

"You sure? " Ivy asks

"It'll clear your head a little." Den says

"I'm sure." I say

"Okay,den let's go." Ivy says

"Right,see you ariel." Den waves at me

"see you." I say

After they left i went out for a walk. i was deep in my thoughts that i never noticed i went to the cemetery. i might as well visit her.

The cemetery is really creepy when we went to visit a relative here.but after mom died,it became my home.i would always visit her.her tombstone would be filled with flowers everyday that the grave keeper told me to stop filling them up.i never fact that wasn't enough flowers for her.

here it is again. the cold gray cement with her embbed name...birth of date...and...that date.

"Hey mom. I'm here again...we're moving,isn't that frustrating? we're going to leave our house.....the memories....all of it... I miss you."

I look intently at her grave. The place is quietly creepy but is the right atmosphere to set my mood in. I walked away before another river of tears burst out of me.
I noticed i was still holding the boquets i bought for her. When i walked back i saw a familiar figure. I hid behind a tree.

Surprisingly,i saw him..

My brother who is setting down freshflowers and an apple for my mom. my mom loved apples.

He stayed there for 5 minutes. I thought he was going to be dramatic,expectation fail.

After that he left the grave.I followed after him.

He got onto a car.wonder where that came from.

I followed him from a 50 minute ride. what the hell!

The street sign says "West Corner Street"

I see an apartment which looks to be quite expensive. I see him go in.



"H-hey! C-Caleb!"

"Wazzerp! Ariella! haven't seen you in a while? did you & raph already made up?"

"Shhh! Shh!Caleb! shut up!"

"Hey! Raph!"

My brother turns around.

"Hey caleb! and..."

I wave at him awkwardly and flashed a huge awkward smile.

"Guess not."


"I'll be leaving now."

caleb runs off.


My brother faces me.

"Haven't seen you in a while."

"... yeah." he looks away from me while scratching his neck

"What!? are you pretending that you just hear a voice in your head? Keeton stop this! this is so immature! we aren't kids anymore! so...will you"

I can't believe that i have to be the one to say that! Ugh this brother of mine is so proud!

"I've forgiven you a long time ago."

"HA? then why haven't you spoken to me?"

"I got...kind of shy."

"You are so gay."

"Yeah. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Me? Oh! Oh! I was visiting somebody,n--n-near here. a university friend of mine for a project."

"Oh. Where does---"

"You know what! since we put the past behind us why don't you just let me in? I've been tired making the project mind offering me food or juice or something?"


"Holy Guacamole! nice place! Woahh! how did you afford all this?"

"After aunt natalie found out i ran away,she tried convincing me to come home or stay with her.psh,like i would stay with her and cousin elijah. i said no a lot of times,so she said she knows a nice place for me to stay in.i accepted since staying with caleb maybe a bother for his family."

"Oh.So,who pays the rent?"


"Really?!" i say raising an eyebrow

"Okay,i pay half of it."



"Instead of letting aunt natalie pay for all of this why don't you just come back to us?"



"I want to forget everything."

"Mom?! You can't you know."

"I know that! What i meant was, i want to be by myself."

"For now?"

"Not exactly."

"So what you're saying is that you want to be free."

"That's the point and that involves not wanting to see dad and you."

I couldn't believe what he said.

"You are being selfish keeton windsor!"

"...that's what mom calls me when she's angry at me."

keeton never really takes serious conversations like this seriously. It started to become quiet.all i can hear is the running fountain backyard.

"Can i still visit?" i say breaking the awkward silence. our first ever awkward silence.


"Okay,i get it! I'm leaving!"

I hear him sigh on my way out.

"And by the way,dad misses you. we all do. just so you know."

I slammed the door. i was so angry i wanted to shout! how could he be so selfish and treat his! like nothing!!!

I went home and straight to my room.


"Yeah?" i say while my head buried in my pillow.

"Ms.ariella.the boss says that we'd pack your bags."

"Right." I say

To be continued...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chapter 4

I passed by our living room and saw what it seems to be the evil presence,aunt lorelei. 
The sight of her makes me sick. so i continued my way upstairs without knowing what her catty business is.i refuse to see her,i refuse to talk to her,i refuse to be a part of her life!

"Charles!" Screamed Aunt Lorelei

"How will you prove that you have a contract with Marie?" Shouts Dad

"I don't have to prove it i have a lawyer."

"It officially states that each of her siblings gets a sharing with the money she saved."

"That is absurd! marie never told me that!"

"Why would she tell you charles? you two are always fighting!"

"How dare you!i refuse to give it to you! Me and my daughter's future is in that bank and i will not allow it!"

"Talking like the big man you are charles,but let's see how much of a man you are."

"You have no mercy lorelei! you already killed my wife and now your taking away what she put in her hardwork and long hours of working!"


"Why are you refusing to admit that you monster! you investment stealing monster!"

"My,My,My didn't mother in law teach you how to treat a lady?"

"But you are not a lady!"

"HOW RUDE OF!! you'll see charles! all that money in the bank will be gone and you will have zero amount left for your adopted daughter!"

I have heard rumors when i was a little. the maids would always gossip about how i was adopted.when i turned 10. my mother told us about it. i couldn't believe it since we kind of look alike but i learned children inherit the face of the one taking care of them or so i read in the internet. my reaction was...i never really cared. i was perfectly healthy,raised in a middle class family,studied in a private school,have food to eat and shelter. i don't curse my real parents though.i just didn't care about whether i was adopted or not all i cared was that i was living.
My brother didn't take it well though.
he sometimes asks me why did our real parents leave us. i tell him at least they didn't abort or dumped you.look! you're well fed and healthy.why do you wanna know about them anyway? they don't care about us.

whenever my mom and my brother had a fight he would use the "oh i'm adopted and you don't love me" drama. In this family my mother and little brother could be actors in a play. while my dad and i watch. we hate drama.Up to this day i bet he still doesn't accept it. 

I do.

I had to get my mind off things i can hear dad and the witch argue from the living room. it makes me wanna have a soundproof room.

I just logged online. since i didn't have anything else to do but wait for them to calm down so that i could sleep peacfeully.

Titanicsimfanatic(Jered): hey Ariella! check this out!
popArtss(Ariel): Woah cool! askljdaksjdkjdks so awesome! 8D
Titanicsimfanatic(Jered): true :D
ilikerefrigirators(Kiefer) @titanicsimfanatic@popArtss:look at the lovely birds in here!
@ilikerefrigirators@titanicsimfanatic:WHO? :D
@popArtss@titanicsimfanatic:Yeah who kiefer? :D
@titanicsimfanatic@popArtss: U GUYS! DUH! U BOTH R SO SWEET!

What the hell are you doing kiefer?
I anxiously wait for jered's to reply. OMG so awkward!

@ilikerefrigirators@popArtss: hehe :">

THAT'S A BLUSHING SMILEY! IT'S A BLUSHING SMILEY! wait! wait! why am i getting red over this. NO! NO! stop it ariella! got a think of a normal way like shrugging it off way to reply.

@titanicsimfanatic@ilikerefrigirators: haha! LOL :))

smooth move!~ so simple. go Ariella!

Titanicsimfanatic: Hey G2G :) see U tomorrow. goodnight.
@titanicsimfanatic@popArtss: AWW A GOODNIGHT!!! :**

popArtss: U ARE SO GAY KIEFER!@ilikerefrigirators
Yeah. Goodnight SEE U TOM :)@titanicsimfanatic

YOU TOO@ilikerefrigirators

@ilikerefrigirators: ;)


The next day.

Free time. 3 hours before literature.

"Hey! Ariella you free?" Jered says

"Yeah." *omg he's here. wait why am i getting goosebumps or butterflies again!

"Can i sit here?"

"Yeah sure! feel free!" I say

Jered sat by my side.

"But,I forgot to tell friend sits there." I teased.

"Oh then i'll just.."

"I'm joking no one sits there"

Both of us laughed.

"So how's it doing?"

"Your talking to me like we haven't talked in ages."

"Well we haven't. we have different schedules remember?"

"Well you still see me and we talk right."

"Yeah." he smiles.

"I miss our old section. i say turning away from him."

"Me too."

*I haven't asked him about fiona. i shoudnt be interfering with other people's business. its better he tells that to me.

"Can i borrow your ipod?"

"yea here."

"Oh wow cool! you have regina shpektor."

"Yeah,of course. her songs are awesome."

"You wouldnt know her if i didnt' recommend you to her last semester."

"Ah of course,.my sim-ndie music recommending master."

"Yes bow down my servant." Jered says proudly

"Oh,but this lady never bows down to a master."

"Unfair! wait hey i like this part of the song."

"It's pretty right."





"Ariella! Ricky is calling you." shouted kiefer *great ricky..great! you ruined my moment.. 

"What?" I say to ricky


Ricky is...i can't describe his gender if he's really male or just being gay. he's really addicted to sim-ndie music and he recommends the best music there is.

"Uh.yeah i have tix."


"I do! Presley gave them."

"For free?"




"Give it to me!"


"UGH,JERED!! Ariella has tickets for Eastwood sim!!" Ricky shouted

"YOU TRAITOR!" Jered says

"Well,who's going to see Promised Edge live? ME IS." I say

"So unfair!!" Ricky slightly pouted.

"YEAH! sell that to us." Jered says

"NO! i seldom go to eastwood sim and will see P/E for the first time! SO N-O~" I say

"I'm so jealous!" Ricky complained

"I'll recommend some awesome sim-ndie songs just sell them to me!" Jered says pleading

"Nooo~" I say

"I'm your master." Jered says

"In recommending songs.not my life." I say

"Your being like that Ariella!" Jered pouts


"KIEFER!!!!!!!!!! she has tickets to P/E!"

"Grab her!!" Kiefer shouts

I ended up being chased by them around the campus and was in sweats when i got back to class.


A message from Jered.
-Ariella your so unfair. :( 
reply: because i'm Awesome like that.
-Wow new annoying text.
reply: of course. nothing but the best to annoy my master!
-HAHA! hey are you home?
reply:yep.are you?
-No not yet.this subway ines are soo long.
reply: Aww. hey have you watched sim idol last night?
-yeah! jesse was awesome!! you're from a previous music school right? you should join!
*mom would've love me to join sim idol.she would have been proud..

"Ariella! stop texting and have dinner!"



*Why is it so quiet?

"Ariella as you know. your aunt lorelei dropped by."

"Yeah. So?"


"She emptied out the savings account of your mother."


"That wasn't the reaction i was expecting & our front door is always shut dear."

"No! I mean!HOW DARE SHE!!!"

"We can't do anything about it dear.tonight,pack your bags. we can't afford to pay for this house. we'll be moving."

"M--MOVING??? b-but...why havent u told me this when she dropped by!!!!"

"Ariella, it is not your concern! now finish your food!"

"And we shouldn't be paying this house. grandmother gave this to you! it's yours and your still paying grandpa?!!"

"That reminds me i'm going to ask for a downpayment from your grandpa."

"Dad! you can't keep paying him!he is your dad!!! this house is yours! why not fight for it?"


"First she kills mom and...and destroys our life! i'm done...i'm not hungry anymore!"

"Ariella Eli Windsor!!"

I ran outside as fast as i could not knowing where to go. 

Mom...if you were here. you would've never let this would've fought. i wanted to fight but i don't have the courage to do it mom..

*cellphone rings
reply: totally forgot about you. sorry about that.
-Its alright. :)
reply: :)
-You okay?
reply: fantastic master :D
-is that so? 


reply:Yes :D what are you worrying about? :)) HAHAHAHA
-oh okay. good. just looking out as a friend. :)
texting: i just somtimes wish you were more than that..|
* WHAT AM I SAYING?! Ariella you really crashburned tonight.
reply: wow! a good master and a good friend :D listen i'm going to call it a night. nyt. :)
-okay,goodnight. :D

I sighed.turned my phone off and hoping tomorrow that this feeling won't last.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Since i haven't posted anything this past few weeks because i haven't finished chapter 5 imma post some crazy pictures. :))

Look at this bed so simple right?

I'm afraid i need a new bed for her.

and a recliner too...

who wouldn't say no to this? :3

Guess who he is? :D

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I've promised myself that i'd post every single day chapter by chapter. but my internet is being stupid. :| i can't download props for my simmies. i will post in some days because i'm having trouble with chapter 5,teehee. :3

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter 3

"This is so exciting!" Ivy says

"I know!!" I say

"Hey ariella!" Den says

"Ugh byron alert incoming!" Ivy says

What!? byron? I panic in my head

Byron is one of our blockmates.he thinks that i have a crush on him just because i only hang out with him on free time. yeah,right!

"Ariella!Guess what! i'm in the Annual S.U sports festival!" Byron says

"Great.-addded sarcasm- what team do you play? water boy?" I say

"No. basketball! be sure to go! okay?" Byron says

"Errr...i have something to i don't know." I say

"You are such a party pooper! come on! leggo!" Byron says enthusiastically

"l'll think about it." I say

"Ok. i'll be expecting you!" Byron says 

"EW. Ariella. he is so into you." Ivy says

"IKR." I say

After an endless avoidment from byron like not replying to his text,simbook messages,calls or ignoring him went he wants to borrow a paint brush,he still talks to me!

"I say he likes you.A LOT." Den says 

"Like? you mean he's pleasing me because he THOUGHT i like him." I say

"Yiiiii" They both teased

"Girls.that is not cool! anyway catch you guys later i'm gonna have my literature class."

"Sure.see ya~" They both say

As i make my way into the hallway of my literature class i see jered talking to fia.
i quickly went into my literature room to see if the prof is there. just my luck...he's not. so i just sat beside of our literarure classroom door. from my peripheral vision i still see jered and fia talking.there obviously must be something going on suspicious.

"Hey Ariella!!!!" Kiefer shouts

"Shhhhhh Kiefer!!" 

"What? why? what is it?" 

"See that?" I sneakily point to jered & fia

"Oh.yeah.why? jealous?" Kiefer smugs 

"Jealous? Pfft. NO! course not! how can i be jealous! he's not even my type!" I say shrugging it off

"Well you did had a thing together and went out." Kiefer says

"THAT WAS ONLY A MOVIE DATE." I defended. "Do you think they're together?"

"Well, fia does keep telling me how much he's into jered soooo maybe it's just a crush."

"It looks more than a crush to me."

"Jealous! Ariella is jealous!" Kiefer teases

"WHAT? No! i'm just curious! besides,i'm going to be happy for Jered if they end up together or someone other than me.."

"Really? You sure about that?" Kiefer says raising his left eyebrow


"Ok." Kiefer smiles.

"What about you and the big S?" I ask teasingly

"Can we not talk about that please?" Kiefer says 

"See what your feeling with s is how i feel."

"So you admit that you feel hurt by Jered and fians."

"I'm going to go to my lit class now see you later,Kief!"

"Changing the subject ariel?"

"See ya Kief!" 

As i made my way in i try to avoid sitting next to Byron as much as possible! so, i sat next to axel who we all call slater. 

That's his nickname. 

"Hey Windsor!" 

"Hey Slater!" 

"Look.Byron is in the room."

"Axel stop it." 

"Let's call him!" 

Axel,is soooo my type but i kinda hate his lifestyle and his acts,well no guy is perfect. 

"OKAY! class! what did we learn last week?"

"Prose sir!" Sebastian says

"Good Sebastian!" 

"So prose..." 

Ahh Prof.Laurent is one of the reasons and my motivation for me to attend an 9:30 to 8pm class. He uses wits with inappropriate language at us which is good since his class is from 7pm to 8pm which makes us all tired and sleepy. 

"Heyyyy! Ariella!!!" Byron whispers 

Trying to ignore Byron

"AAAriella!!!" whispers Byron

Trying to ignore him.

"The guy sitting next to the girl with glasses! since you seem to have a crush on the girl with softball-tied-hair! 

You can freely tell the class what is that you want from her." 


"What's your name again *looks in the class list"


"What? Brutus?"

The class laughs

"No,i'm just kidding!Okay,Brutus! if you can answer my question i won't let you embarass yourself."
"What are the 2 types of drama? In case you have been listening to my past discussions and making sure you're doing your assignments."

Byron stands up and obviously isn't thinking for answers but just making the prof. think he is thinking for answers.

"Brutus,is that how you think? Looking at a window in class? don't your other professors get eerie?" 

"No,i just."

"Okay! Sit down. what is it you want to tell Ms.Ariella?"


"Okay.Anyone can answer my question about the two types of drama? YES! sebastian again!"

"Comedy and tragedy."

"Good! Why is Sebastian only answering my questions? don't i have someone to talk to here? are you all souls and Sebastian is the only one alive in this room? do i have a class here?"

ALL: yes sir.


After literature class..

"Hi Ariella!"

"Hi Sasha!"

"Hey listen me,slater,jered and the others will go drinking! you should come with! my treat.*winks"

"No.I have to go home early. My dad'll get angry. you know family in crisis."

"Oh.poo! next time ok? ciao!" 

"Ciao!?" I say awkwardly

That was sasha,she likes and is still in like with jered. i feel she treats me as her rival after she dropped a line from the popular movie "No other sim" on me thinking. i think she was literally saying it to my face that jered is hers.

Remember how i ask kiefer about s?

She and kiefer had a thing before,kiefer popped up the bugs on how she likes jered more. so they have an awkward relationship right now. i can't believe kiefer still hangs out with her. people never do learn.

Finally! i got home!

I feel an evil presence.

To be continued